Monday, July 27, 2009

Resurrected Austin A 30

Nobody thought it possible to resurrect this Austin A 30 grill. It looked like it was ready to be buried. It was completely rusted through.
When I say rusted I mean rusted. The holes in the previously chromed grill were up to 5mm or more in diameter and some of the metal was paper thin.
There was no chrome to be seen on the grill and I assume some bloody electroplater left it in the strip too long and stripped the hell out of it.
As chrome-plated Austin A 30 grills are not easily available, the customer didn't have much of a choice and availed himself of Chrometech's service.
Chrometech re-structured and fortified the grill with resin and fiberglass, filled the holes with putty, high-filled it, rubbed it back and proceeded
with the activating process prior to chrome-plating the now mostly non conductive grill. The end result was unbelievable.The chrome-plated
Austin A 30 was featured in a car magazine and was brought back to life. If you want to see a picture, contact Chrometech on 02 98999122

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